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De Sint-Vincentiusgroep

Here are the actions we presently undertake with the means provided to us by parishioners, occasional benefactors, sponsors and our provincial and national conferences.

We sponsor hot meals that people can take at social restaurants. These people may not have the means to cook themselves for a number of reasons. We support the food distribution by the parish of Saint Anthony by supplementing their supply. We spend an extra 100 euros on fresh fruit every week. This way we provide a healthy supplement to the diet of hundreds of families in the area. With the help of the crowd giving platform organised by our national conference we have created a fund for paramedical costs for the youngest. Find more information via this link.

We also try and fund smaller initiatives of partner organisations that ask for our help or occasionally intervene in urgent circumstances when our financial situation allows for it.

Volunteers who would like to join in the commitment of our small but highly motivated group are more than welcome. Chairman Leo van Achter, members Hilde Eykens, Stan Geel, Leo Vereecken.

“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Mt. 25, 40.

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Would you like to donate: BE12 7895 7904 8992 van St.Vincentius a Paulo – Antwerpen


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