Our mission

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Our mission

Our Mission

For years, volunteers and professionals have been committed to perpetuating the privileged position of Saint-Paul’s.

Today volunteers gather here alongside professionals (in-house and guests), with a background in the musical and art-historical field to what we today call the “Saint Paul’s Academy”. It connects them with the passion they feel for everything that has to do with heritage, architecture, collection, art, music, science, tourist visits and of course the Saint-Paul’s church. In concrete terms, this translates into:

  • An annual program full of exhibitions, lectures and other events
  • The valuable musical program of Music in Saint-Paul
  • Being active on social media such as Facebook, Instagram and Youtube
  • Digital activity with live streaming of masses and concerts and fascinating short documentaries for Slow Art Day and Heritage Day, among others
  • PaulLus, the monthly magazine of Sint-Paulus Antwerp, full of fascinating historical articles, a word from our pastor, nice photos of what has been and teasers about what is still planned

Are you interested in organizing something with us? That is of course also possible! Below you will find the correct contact persons

Your contacts are:

Caroline De Wever, art historian, collection manager and director and responsible for all administrative matters of the church. She is responsible for the concrete development and practical follow-up.

Armand Storck, volunteer, project coordinator for the non-musical annual program.

Walter Geluyckens, volunteer, chairman of the Sint-Paulus Friends vzw and its reception team of volunteers, initiators of the permanent heritage moments in our church.

Wilfried Van den Brande, doctor of the arts, bass-baritone, music director for the musical program of St. Paul’s Church.

Guido Meeussen, volunteer, art historian, editor-in-chief for all publications of Saint-Paul’s church.

Erwin Vandecauter, volunteer, chaplain of the Rosary Chapel, editor-in-chief for all publications of Saint-Paul’s church.

The program of Saint Paul’s church can also be found on the website of the Monumental Churches Antwerp (www.mkantwerpen.be).

Who is who

Erwin Vandecauter

Editor-in-chief PaulLus - maandblad Sint-Pauluskerk Antwerpen


Guido Meussen

Chiefeditor PaulLus - maandblad Sint-Pauluskerk Antwerpen


Walter Geluyckens

Chairman Sint-Paulusvrienden vzw

03/232.32.67 sintpaulusvrienden@sintpaulusantwerpen.be

Armand Storck

Events (non-musical) coördinator


Caroline De Wever

Director Saint Paul’s Church

03/231.31.48 directeur@sintpaulusantwerpen.be


Would you like to stay informed?

We send a weekly newsletter with activities and information from the Saint Paul’s community.
